2. Богино, энгийн өгүүлбэрүүдийг ашигла.
Хамгийн гол нь ярвигтай санааг энгийн өгүүлбэрээр илэрхийлэх. Ингэж чадаж байвал та сайн бичиж байгаа хэрэг. Тэгээд ч энгийн өгүүлбэрүүд...
Reported commands
Example: Peter: "Clean the black shoes!"
Peter told me _________________________
Answer: Peter told me to clean the black shoes.
1) Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!" |
2) Jessica: "Write a text message!" |
3) Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!" |
4) Fred: "Wash your hands!" |
5) Anna: "Open the window!" |
6) Tom: "Come at 8!" |
7) Teacher: "Do your homework!" |
Present and past simple passive voice
Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the present simple passive.
1. Coffee …....... (grow)in Brazil and Colombia.
2. Kangaroos …........ (found)in America.
3. …...... (a lot of meat eat) in Spain?
4. El Prado …....... (visit) by hundreds of people every day.
5. How often …....... (general elections/ hold)?
Dogs …........ (allow) in restaurants in most countries.
Exercise 2 Put the sentences into the past simple passive.
1. Etienne Lenoir made the first motor car in Belgium.
2. How many paintings did the police foun...
One can see through the windows again. Jane ….......... (clean) them.
You are absolutely sunburned. You …....... (sit) in the sun too long.
We can watch the film now. Michael …....... (connect) the DVD player.
The room looks much nicer now. I …....... (hang) up some pictures.
Freddy is soaken wet. He …......... (wash) the dog.
I am no...