Homework for the 10th grade

Exercise 1Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. One can see through the windows again. Jane ….......... (clean) them.

  2. You are absolutely sunburned. You …....... (sit) in the sun too long.

  3. We can watch the film now. Michael …....... (connect) the DVD player.

  4. The room looks much nicer now. I …....... (hang) up some pictures.

  5. Freddy is soaken wet. He …......... (wash) the dog.

  6. I am not hungry. I …..... (eat / already) something.

  7. Can I go outside? I …....... (do) my homework.

  8. My eyes are red because I …......... (cut) onions.

Exercise 2 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. I …....... (play / not) the computer for half an hour, only for about 5 minutes.

  2. Bob …....... (drive / not) a car for eight years.

  3. Carla............ (go / not) on holiday for three years.

  4. We …........ (run / not) for 40 minutes yet - there are still 10 minutes left.

  5. They …........ (smoke / not) for 10 days now.

  6. I …....... (eat / not) anything since two o'clock.

  7. Anna.......... (work / not) here for five years, but for seven years.

  8. I ….......... (read / not) for a long time - just 10 minutes, not more.

  9. You …......... (cycle / not) for two hours. It was only about one hour.

  10. Catherine …......... (speak / not) French for 10 years, so her French isn't very good now.

Exercise 3 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. Since I bought my car, I …........ (travel / not) by train.

  2. He ….......... (learn / not) English for two years yet, but he speaks it very well.

  3. We …....... (party / not) for a long time, but there's no food left.

  4. My sister and her boyfriend …... (go / not) out together for a long time. They only met three weeks ago.

  5. James .......... (tidy / not) up his room for a long time. It's a complete mess.

  6. We........... (practise / not) for hours - 15 minutes were enough.

  7. Louis is absolutely tired as he …........ (sleep / not) well for days.

  8. Dana ............ (work / not) for days because she is ill.

  9. I …......... (play / not) the piano for ages, so please don't ask me to perform anything.

  10. We …....... (hang / not) about all day, we have helped grandma in the garden.

Exercise 4 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. A: …........ (you / take) the dog for a walk yet?

  2. B: I …......(work) all day. I (come / just) home from work and I (have / not) the time yet to walk the dog.

  3. A: How long …...... (the dog / be) home alone?

  4. B: For about 6 hours. You …...... (walk / not) the dog for a long time. Don't you want to go?

  5. A: Well, I …....... (laze / not) about all day either, you know. I have a very important meeting tomorrow and I still (finish / not) my presentation.

  6. B: Okay, I will go then. Where …........ (you / put) collar and leash?

  7. A: They are in the kitchen. By the way, …......... (you / eat) anything yet? If not, could you get us something from the supermarket?

Exercise 11 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. A: I …....... (call) for you for half an hour. Where …........ (be) ? And why are your clothes so dirty?

  2. B: I …........ (tidy) up the shed in the garden.

  3. A: …........ (you / find) a box with old photos there? I …....... (look) for it for ages.

  4. B: I ….......... (discover / not) it yet, but I (work / not) for a long time yet. I ….......... (come / just) in to eat something.

  5. A: I …........ (cook / not) anything yet because I …......... (talk) to our neighbour.

Test your knowledge on Present Perfect Simple – Present Perfect Progressive. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test.

Form Fill in the correct form (pronoun + verb).


Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Progressive

I / speak

he / write

they / do

you / swim

she / live

Use When to use which tense?

  1. '5 times' is a signal word for ...

  2. 'for two hours' is a signal word for ...

  3. 'since 9 o'clock' is a signal word for ...

Positive Sentences Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. I (practise) ….............. the piano for 30 minutes.

  2. Bob (run) …............ 10 km.

  3. The children (be) …............ on holiday for six days.

  4. The dog (bark) ….......... since midnight.

  5. We (miss) …........ the bus twice this week.

Negative Sentences Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. You (eat / not) …........ up yet.

  2. He (speak / not) ….......... on the phone for half an hour, just a couple of minutes.

  3. They (work / not) …........... since 5 o'clock. They just started an hour ago.

  4. We (know / not) ….......... them for a long time.

  5. She (hang / not) …........... up all the pictures yet.

Questions Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. How long (wait / she) ….......... for us?

  2. How many times (tell / I) ….......... you?

  3. How often (clean / you) …............. the windows this year?

  4. How many months (take / you) …........... piano lessons?

  5. (stay / you / ever) …........... in a castle?

Text Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. Tom: Hi Ana. I (try) …............. to ring you several times today. Where (you / be) ….......... ?

  2. Ana: I (be) …............ at home all the time. But I (clean) ….......... the house all day, so maybe I didn't hear the phone ring.

  3. Tom: (you / clean) ….......... everything now?

  4. Ana: No, not yet. I (tidy / not) …............ up the kitchen yet. But why are you here?

  5. Tom: Don't you remember? Jane (invited) …........... us to her birthday party and we (buy / not) ….......... a present for her yet.

  6. Ana: Oh, that's right. (you / find out / already) ….......... what she wants?

  7. Tom: Well, she (learn) …............ Spanish for a year and wants to spend her next holiday in Mexico. Maybe we could get her a guide book.

  8. Ana: That's a good idea. There is a good bookshop in the big shopping centre. I (see) …............ some nice books about Mexico there recently.


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